Why does Cy-Fair ISD support and promote these books out of thousands of other books that are not sexually explicit?
I want to show how the book “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison is systematically kept on shelves in Cy-Fair ISD and how another unsuitable book, “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls, is required reading in Cy-Fair ISD (unless you ask for a different book, although parents are not given the option in the letter home).
“The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison
I want to give credit to the websites ConservativeCFISD.com and TexansWakeUp.com. ConservativeCFISD.com did all the work challenging this book by going through the formal process of reading it and reviewing it, so the high schools in Cy-Fair ISD could have their book reconsideration committee meet and make a decision to pull the book or have it stay on shelves. TexansWakeUp.com provided the book review and quotes. Here is the full review: https://www.texanswakeup.com/product-page/the-bluest-eye
4 out of 4 high schools in Cy-Fair ISD had almost identical responses from their book reconsideration committee: the book is suitable and will remain on shelves. Below is a link to ConservativeCFISD’s blog with the letters from the high school principals at Bridgeland, Cy-Ridge, Cy-Fair and Cy-Ranch High Schools with their reasons. Do you agree this book should stay because of the diversity it offers?
Cy-Fair ISD will not release names of people they selected to be on book reconsideration committees, nor will they release the minutes from the committee meetings. Under the Freedom of Information Act, if the data exists, government agencies such as public schools, are required to release the data. Cy-Fair ISD says they do not maintain a list of the book reconsideration committee. Does anyone believe that? How do they get together and make a decision regarding the book? Below is the response from the Cy-Fair legal department. No one is being held accountable by design. Keep in mind, the school board, administrators and librarians can pull the books at any time by law. The school board currently isn't taking a vote to pull these books.
The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls
In a letter home to parents, Cy-Fair ISD claims this book teaches Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and it helps “build empathy and resilience”. Do you think district should be more transparent about the book’s vulgarity and give the option to parents to opt their children out of having to read about a grandma molesting her grandson? After a parent asked for their child to be graded using a different book, an option for a book about climbing Mt. Everest was made available instead.
Here is the full review and quotes by TexansWakeUp.com:
Here is the letter home to parents that is not transparent and gives no opt out option: